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Standard Blockquote
Every superfluous page we create is one more dead end for an angry, frustrated, confused user Jon Smith (@jonsmith) September 6, 2011
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is optional.
Every superfluous page we create is one more dead end for an angry, frustrated, confused user
Classic Blockquote
Every superfluous page we create is one more dead end for an angry, frustrated, confused user Jon Smith (@jonsmith) September 6, 2011
Example with no citation.
The production was not only entertaining, but had tremendous pedagogical potential.
Inset Blockquote
The history of the race, and each individual's experience, are thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. Jon Smith
Maecenas pulvinar velit magna, nec scelerisque mauris fringilla suscipit. Pellentesque ut vehicula justo. Sed non rhoncus libero, ut iaculis eros. Aenean at sapien ultrices, vulputate erat at, dapibus mauris. Nullam iaculis orci quis ipsum accumsan pharetra.
Nunc vel condimentum mi. Integer rhoncus ante quis lectus facilisis, ac auctor enim mattis. Nullam gravida nec ante mattis accumsan. Donec pretium, leo tempor adipiscing posuere, risus ligula ornare erat, vitae euismod lectus nulla ac arcu. Morbi sed pharetra risus, nec auctor lorem. Phasellus neque quam, auctor ut tincidunt et, suscipit quis nibh. Praesent sed malesuada eros, eu volutpat tortor. Proin pharetra nisl sed eros ultrices, vitae condimentum felis tempor.
You can also align the blockquote
to the right
The history of the race, and each individual's experience, are thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. Jon Smith
Maecenas pulvinar velit magna, nec scelerisque mauris fringilla suscipit. Pellentesque ut vehicula justo. Sed non rhoncus libero, ut iaculis eros. Aenean at sapien ultrices, vulputate erat at, dapibus mauris. Nullam iaculis orci quis ipsum accumsan pharetra.
Nunc vel condimentum mi. Integer rhoncus ante quis lectus facilisis, ac auctor enim mattis. Nullam gravida nec ante mattis accumsan. Donec pretium, leo tempor adipiscing posuere, risus ligula ornare erat, vitae euismod lectus nulla ac arcu. Morbi sed pharetra risus, nec auctor lorem. Phasellus neque quam, auctor ut tincidunt et, suscipit quis nibh. Praesent sed malesuada eros, eu volutpat tortor. Proin pharetra nisl sed eros ultrices, vitae condimentum felis tempor.