
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • fixed an issue introduced in #714 (v13.2.0) where the increased specificity of the footer was overriding the custom asialink footer background-color #783
    • removed [role='main'] from footer component
    • removed padding-top: 3rem; and padding-bottom: 3rem; from footer component as all other uses of the footer component was overriding the padding back to 0
  • fixed an issue introduced in #744 (v13.3.0) where buttons inside the navigation-block-listing component lost their 100% width and margin reset #784
  • fixed an issue introduced in #753 (v13.3.0) where a pdf icon was appended to components containing a pdf link with nested child elements #785