
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

New features ✨

  • Noto Serif and Source Sans Pro fonts are now loaded locally using our cdn #752
  • a new PDF Icon has been added to our iconset #753
    • it will automatically append to any links containing the .pdf file extension.
    • example can be seen on the Typography page
  • Tags can now be right aligned with the tags__list--right class #751
<div class="tags">
  <ul class="tags__list tags__list--right">...</ul>

Other changes

  • tidied up Navigation Listing css #744
  • removed unnecessary position and z-index from .page-inner #759
  • Some visual snapshot updates #755
    • reduced snapshot image quality to 65 to save on file space
    • removed waiting for custom font as it's now loaded locally

Documentation updates