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Human resources
Leave, pay, HR advice, equity and fairness, training and development, career management and job search.
Salary, benefits and leave
Find out when you get paid, learn what is required to take leave and check your super arrangements.
Career development and training
Professional skills, leadership, performance development, motoring, networks, training in OH&S, fairness and diversity.
Career transitions
Career planning, support, job applications, applying for internal positions and changing or ceasing your employment.
Recruiting and hiring staff
Compiling a position description, advertising, shortlisting and interviewing, making an offer, appointment, set-up, commencement and indigenous recruitment.
Managing staff
Learn how to effectively manage staff and change, recognise staff achievements at a local to university wide level, and conduct workforce planning.
Get HR advice
Find out where to go for HR advice and support.
Popular resources
- HR forms and templates
- Themis support guides
- Current job opportunities
- Staff policies
- Equity and diversity advisors
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